Sunday, February 17, 2008

Don't Judge Me

If I can't find my voice because I'm too scared to speak,
Don't judge me.
If I can't move because it feels like I'm tied to the spot,
Don't judge me.
If I can't swallow the tears back long enough to make eye contact,
Don't judge me.
If my voice is too loud when I don't mean it to be,
Don't judge me.
If I don't want to come because I know it'll make me cry harder,
Don't judge me.
If I'm being indesisive because I don't know what question you're asking,
Don't judge me.
If I can blog it better than I can say it,
Don't judge me.


dethtol666 said...

i like it. it flows and it means something to you. thats cool.

griffinrider said...

judge you? i wouldn't dream of it!

i like the way you write.

het, why don't you check out my blog?:

Sammy said...

Thats a really sweet Poem... I like it.
The people who normally judge have a more screwed up life anyway

~Silver said...

like it. Simple, concise and to the point. :)