Sunday, December 23, 2007


I went to see August Rush the other day, knowing that sometimes I have to just go along with it when my mom drags me to movies. It was probably one of the best movies that I had ever seen. So good. So, so good. The music in it is absolutely wonderful as well, a perfect mix of orchestra-esc and rock-esc, along with a completely different genre all together. Loved it. Loved, loved it.

Yesterday was Solstice, for me and anyone who chooses to celebrate it. I begged my mom to give me at least one present that day... I did not expect what I got. I now have a level 7 warrior in Guild Wars; her name is Tamadae Nirmoha. I named her after a character in my story (because my writing rules all thought processes that I have), although she's only a side character's sister that show up once or twice... Maybe I'll get to writing her a story of her own.

Alright, here's the difference between this post and the other ones; it probably doesn't make many people think. I mean really think. That's my whole purpose with some parts of this blog, I like to make people think about what I've just said and/or stated. So... think about that.

Friday, December 14, 2007

To Hell With It

Without writing and music in my life, I would probably shrivel up somewhere and never be heard of or seen again.

To me, the world is full of things that can be banged on, shaken, drummed, strummed... Anything and everything is music in a way. Today at lunch, I was tapping on the table with a single chopstick, no specific beat to it, just having fun making a cool noise. When my mom told me to stop, my dad said "Well who knows, maybe she's destined to be a drummer." Hey, maybe. With all of the instruments that I've played in the past... harp, flute, cello, a smattering of piano, harmonica (hee hee), garage band (:D), recorder... I guess I'd try somethin' new. Either that or guitar. What can I say? Without music, I wouldn't have a slightly logical excuse to rock back and forth.

Don't even get me started on what I would do without literature. I can write for hours and hours, days if there was no need for normal human processes like, I don't know, sleep? I just... I just... Gah, I can't bring myself to say it. I just don't see how people can hate writing! It's like, talking, but... better!! Because you can go back and revise what you say or do, you can let a single conversation hang in mid-air for a day or so if it's too aggravating... So many, many things that you cannot do in real life. That's why sometimes I get lost in my writing, I forget what day it is, what month, what year, what I'm supposed to be doing this week. Everything vanishes completely. I get sucked into my own world where, suddenly, my name is Sam, I have wings, I can fly up to one hundred and fifty miles per hour, I'm in a world that was made after the destruction of man-kind... My mind runs wild when given the opportunity. And for those of you that are thinking, "What about grammar and spelling? Doesn't that make writing more excruciatingly painful???" Yes! It does! And that, my friends, is why--when in my trance of writing--I say "To hell with it."

Well, there ya go. To hell with it.


My life is completely normal. *scoff*
People keep saying that I'm so lucky; having a mother who is getting her first book published with a movie deal (second one coming and a third one in spurts of conversation), a step-father who is recording his album on a new label (incredible songs, all of them so far), a father who works online as a language arts teacher, homeschooling, and an all-together encouraging environment and/or family. Yeah, ok fine. I'm pretty lucky; maybe I just needed to write it down to get that into my head.
It's just that, sometimes, my life doesn't feel as grand as it should. I feel like a normal person a lot of the time, except when say I hear one of my step-dad's songs, or when I read an excerpt of my mom's book. From the point of view of someone related and partially related to soon-to-be famous people, I guess I'm just saying that they're completely normal; they're still my people. :)
They've all got their own funny little quirks, too--my mom having all of the twitchy kind of quirks as well as others. Love 'em all dearly and stuff, but I just feel like I don't see many of my people sometimes.