Friday, January 18, 2008

Fantasy Living

I know that people need conflict to survive, but why does there have to be so much of it? I mean, why can't people think of life like a fairy tale? People die in fairy tales, people are flawed in fairy tales, but people are also alive, there are children who are happy, and the unique side of all of them is fleshed out a lot of the time. My point being, that maybe real life isn't so different from a fairy tale after all. There may even be magic outside of stories, except that, gradually, we forget and unlearn how to believe in the magic when there are so many bad things in the world. But that's the thing; there are many good things in the world as well. Protagonist and antagonist, in a sense. They both need each other, otherwise they aren't what they are.

Sometimes it amazes me; the fact that people can complain about both having too much snow, and global warming all in the same day. If I were in a worse mood, I'd call it hypocritical. But I'm not, so I won't. Instead, I'm thinking of it as oddly ironic, a theme for my observation.
Of course, I can see the other side of the argument, too; that's my job as a writer. I know how hard it can be to have to hack at the ice in the back yard to clean up the three dogs' worth of poop, and I can see how the investments to slow or stop global warming can be a huge change to make in a daily routine.
But nothing has to be all bad.

And then there are the "end of the world" stories. My personal favorite is the Terminator version; destroy ourselves through technology. My favorite villain is Maleficent. Even I, who is writing a blog post about looking at the bright side, I, who is almost never doing that myself, I, who is trying to improve. Even I have a soft spot for dark things somewhere in my heart. I think everyone does at some point. As well as everyone has light. Well, here I go again; fascinated by the whole theme of Kingdom Hearts.

Before I leave everyone hanging on my classic, oh so anticipated words, I'd like to say this:
Live the fairy tale. Defy your mind set. Think inside of the polygon.


dethtol666 said...

u have a way of looking at things different from the rest of the world. to some extent i'm the same way. give people likee us lemons and we'll tell you 50 different ways to use 'em. the world needs more people like you and me.

Jordan said...

i agree with u. if its one thing ive learned when u r alone for as many years as i have been, its that your imagination is your best friend. u can use it however u would like. but those of true artists and writers realize what a gift imagination is.

Miacis said...

i wish there was an easy way to fix global warming. but then again, there's never an easy way to do anything. even if you think it's easy, it's way more complicated than you think.

Avion said...

hey broken check this out if found u on fangs blog and i need to show people proof of itex

wOlF said...

do you ever just feel like your life is part of someting much bigger like in fairy tales, but then realise your just dreaming. (i dunno if that made sense)

FallingUp said...

I agree with you all the way.You sound smart,and you seem to think things through too.

Lyla said...

Amazing... It's like you have a way of viewing every single matter from a different perspective, which is amazing. As for global warming, totally agreeing on how easy it is. Just stop. It's super simple actually :]

have fun with your super duper perspectified life!
