Thursday, January 17, 2008

RE: Assignment

Okay, so that last post was a bit of a joke. The whole story is that my dad gave me an assignment to post on my blog about the fact that I'm homeschooled (I have no idea how to spell that; one word? Two? Gah.). 
The first part of the sentence--This morning my dad gave me an assignment--brings up the question, "Assignment?", because parents don't usually give assignments to their children because that's the school's job.
The second part of the sentence--to post on my blog--grants the wish for me to post. See? I love myself. :)

On with the assignment then...

Homeschooling is pretty fun, I guess I could say, because it's not all about getting a passing score so that you can move on with your life. That shouldn't be what school is about. School should be about learning, and not studying so that you can forget what you studied right after a test. That's what homeschooling (or at least the way that I'm being homeschooled) is based on; learning through exposure, experience, observance, a plethora of resources, and a good teacher that knows what he/she is doing. And because I have been supplied all of these things, learning is actually fun for a change. 
In regular school, in the middle of the school year, they took writing out of the daily activities. It was a bit absurd, I will admit, since they took it out of the Language Arts class. A few people were aloud to write for five minute periods, which, of course, had to be the amount of time that inspiration hits. Sure, you get to write a couple of sentences, and if you're a fast typer, a paragraph or two, until you get booted off. And one last thing; the computers were PC's. The full on, huge clunky monitor that buzzes constantly, a pop out keyboard which every other key sticks on, a fairly sticky and slightly unclean mouse, and the occasional security warning. You know, the ones that make writing nearly impossible and improbable? At least it let me write on it, considering how highly I insult the classic PC's. 
Considering everything else that I didn't put in the paragraph above, Language Arts was my favorite class. So thus, reading and writing in the warmth of my own home is part of the wonderful curriculum that I follow.

We also try to get out of the house and observe people, go to museums, rent an educational video, do math as much as we can (which is used quite often outside of school, as you'll notice.), and just put everything we can into my head with it staying inside.

There 'tis. 

1 comment:

dethtol666 said...

homeschooled! taking class at home is great and all but going to a public highschool is one of the best experiences of a child/teenagers life. living in a dorm at collage is probibly #1 but high school is a close second. its all about interacting with other people your own age. if you don't interact in highschool you'll never be ready for collage or life the after. I hope you're at least spending time with friends in public. if not then go to the mall on a friday evening and socialize!